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Occupational Health and Prevention Services

3-00-10 Introduction
20 Medical Emergencies
30 Occupational Health Clinic
40 Occupational Medical Services
50 Non-Occupational Illness Visits
60 Injury/Exposure Incidents
70 International Travel
80 Employee Assistance Program
90 Lifestyle Program

3-00-10 Introduction

The Occupational Health and Prevention Services (OHPS) is a contractor-operated program comprised of the Occupational Health Clinic (OHC), the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), and the Lifestyle Program. Its collective mission is to assist the Office of Health and Safety in maintaining a safe workplace and a physically and mentally well CDC/ATSDR workforce.

3-00-20 Medical Emergencies


3-00-30 Occupational Health Clinic

There are two Clinic facilities, one at Clifton Road and the other at Chamblee. The main Occupational Health Clinic (OHC) is located at Clifton Road, in Building 4, Room 121, telephone: (404) 639-3385. It has full-time physician coverage and is operational each workday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Chamblee satellite Clinic is located in Building 102, Room 1106, telephone: (404) 488-7824, and is operational each workday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with a single nurse.

The primary mission of the Clinic is to monitor, prevent, and treat work-related injuries and illnesses. Secondarily, the Clinic provides non-occupationally related care on a space-available basis which includes adult immunizations, allergy shots, blood pressure checks, and initial assessment of non-occupational illness that occur during work hours.

3-00-40 Occupational Medical Services

The majority of Clinic patient visits are for immunizations, work-related exams, blood tests, and on-the-job injuries. The employee groups seen most often are laboratorians, international travelers, Engineering Services employees, and animal care workers. To keep the waiting times as short as possible, the Clinic operates on an appointment basis for non-emergency needs. It is recommended that one call the Clinic in advance to avoid delays for yourself and others.

Treatment of work-related traumatic injuries should be obtain as soon as possible after the injury. Although there will be instances when care is needed urgently, supervisors should fill out a CDC/ATSDR Incident Report (Form CDC 0.304) for the employee to carry with them to the Clinic. If possible someone in the worksite should call the Clinic to alert the staff that an injured employee will be seeking treatment.

Immunizations are available by calling the Clinic to make an appointment and bringing a completed Immunization Authorization (Form CDC 0.697) to the Clinic at the time of your appointment. The Form CDC 0.697 is completed by the Immunization Coordinator, who is usually your Administrative Officer. The CDC/ATSDR offers all employees the opportunity to receive immunizations to protect them against specific microorganisms encountered in their workplace and elsewhere. The Occupational Immunizations Program provides immunizations to those individuals requiring them because of potential occupational exposure to these infectious agents or these products. The program provides these immunizations to laboratory workers, engineering personnel, field investigators, and other individuals who may be at potential risk of exposure to these agents. The program also provides a number of immunizations to employees as part of the CDC/ATSDR Adult Immunization Activity. These include vaccines for Hepatitis B, Influenza, Measles/ Mumps/Rubella, Pneumococcal Disease, and Tetanus/Diphtheria.

The Occupational Health Clinic also conducts the following medical surveillance programs for a variety of occupational hazards and positions:

3-00-50 Non-Occupational Illness Visits

The Occupational Health Clinic performs a variety of non-injury, non-occupational preventive medical services for the CDC/ATSDR community at large, such as blood pressure checks. As a convenience to employees who receive allergy shots, the Clinic administers these injections according to the written instructions of the employee's allergist.

Employees are seen for non-work related illnesses and injuries on a space-available basis. work-related services are given first priority. Anyone who has a significant, non-work related problem should call his/her private physician directly for non-urgent advice and treatment.

3-00-60 Injuries/Exposure Incidents

Treatment for work-related traumatic injuries can be obtained with the submission to the clinic by the supervisor of the CDC\ATSDR Incident Report (Form CDC 0.304). The supervisor should also assure the completion of the Department of Labor form "Federal Employees' Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation" (Form CA-1) and, if there is the possibility or need for outside medical care for which bills would be incurred, a "Request for Examination and/or Treatment" (Form CA-16). If possible, someone in the worksite should call the clinic to alert them that an injured employee will be seeking treatment.

3-00-70 International Travel

International travel visits for immunizations, malaria prophylaxis, and other medical >counseling are available for employees and their dependents provided they are on official travel orders. Individuals needing such services should call the Occupational Health Clinic ((404) 639-3385) to make an appointment. A copy of either the signed "Request for Travel" or a travel order must be brought to the Clinic and given to the Clinic staff at the time of the appointment.

3-00-80 Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides professional counseling services to employees who are experiencing personal problems. EAP is designed to help employees minimize the effects of various personal problems on their job performance and individual well-being. The service provides short-term problem solving, assessment, and referral to professional resources in the community when appropriate. The EAP also offers consultations to supervisors to assist them in dealing with employees who may be experiencing problems. The EAP is provided at no cost to the employee and is also available to family members of employees.

The range of problems dealt with by the EAP includes alcohol and other drug abuse, eating disorders and other compulsive behaviors, psychological/emotional, marital, family, eldercare/childcare, job conflict, grief, financial, legal, and stress-related issues.

According to HHS Instruction 792-2, employees are on official duty when they meet with the EAP. While employees must inform their supervisor and obtain permission to be away from their job assignment for an appointment, they do not have to disclose the nature of the problem for which they wish to see the counselor. An employee may also see a counselor in a completely anonymous manner by using annual leave for his appointment or by arranging to see the EAP after duty hours. Appointments during lunch periods or after work hours are arranged based on the availability of the counselor.

Ideally, employees utilize the EAP services before their personal problems impact their job. This is not always the case, however, and there may be occasions when it is appropriate for a supervisor to refer the employee to the EAP. If a supervisor refers an employee, he/she will only be notified of the employees compliance with the referral. Use of EAP is strictly confidential and no information regarding the nature of the employee's problem will be disclosed without the employee's written consent; exceptions to this policy are allowed only in cases of danger to others or medical emergency.

If an employee is experiencing personal difficulty and wants to utilize the EAP, he/she is encouraged to do so on his/her own initiative. An employee may make an appointment with one of CDC's Certified Employee Assistance Professionals by calling (404) 639-2830. In emergency situations, the EAP counselors may be reached by a digital beeper at (404) 570-7327. (This emergency number is also provided in the phone message at (404) 639-2830.) EAP offices are located within the Clifton Road Occupational Health Clinic and the Chamblee Satellite Clinic to provide anonymity of access through the clinic's waiting area. (EAP visits are in no way recorded in the employee's clinic medical record.)

Again, use of the EAP is strictly confidential, and involvement with the EAP will not impact an employee's job security, pay, or promotablilty. Use of the EAP is always voluntary, even in the event of a supervisory referral.

3-00-90 Lifestyle Program

The mission of the Lifestyle Program is to promote the health and well-being of CDC/ATSDR employees through:

  1. teaching health-promoting skills and behaviors
  2. serving as an information resource to employees who wish to develop healthier lifestyles
  3. assisting the Office of Health and Safety in creating a work environment that encourages and facilitates healthy behaviors.

The Lifestyle Program services are delivered in a multifaceted manner, utilizing written and audiovisual self-help materials, classes and seminars, and small discussion group delivery, and individual counseling and training. The following services are provided on an ongoing basis:

In addition to ongoing activities, frequent special activities and/or health promotion campaigns are conducted. Examples of these include: the Health Trek campaign, the Breast Cancer Early Detection Education Program, Federal Fitness Week Activities, and Supermarket Shopping Tours. These activities are announced through various official channels.

For more information about the Lifestyle Program services, contact the Lifestyle Office at (404) 639-2164.

Health and Safety Manual Contents

Office of Health and Safety, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
1600 Clifton Road N.E., Mail Stop F05 Atlanta, Georgia 30333, USA
Last Modified: 1/2/97
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