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Management of Health and Safety Programs

2–00–00 Goal
00-10 Authority
00-20 Policy
00-30 Policy Elements
00-40 Definitions
00-50 Assignments of Responsibilities
00-60 Safety Committees

2-00-00 GOAL

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), will provide and promote a safe and healthful work environment and will foster a positive safety and health attitude in managers, supervisors, employees and others (including visitors and contractors).


A. The Office of Health and Safety within CDC is established in accordance with the following references:

B. The provisions stated in this chapter do not supplant the DHHS Employee Health Program prescribed by Personnel Instruction 792-1. The provisions of that instruction shall be applied in conjunction with the provisions of this chapter where applicable.

2-00-20 POLICY

It is the policy of the CDC and ATSDR, as one of the lead federal agencies in public health and occupational safety maintenance, surveillance, and promotion, to develop and maintain a current, model occupational safety, health, and environmental program. The model program will focus on prevention of and protection against injuries and illness, and promotion of safe and healthful actions and attitudes, not only in CDC and ATSDR employees but also in other individuals who may be affected by its facilities and operations, including visitors, contract employees from private businesses and employees of other federal agencies, human study participants, and persons in the surrounding community.

Further more, the model program shall meet or exceed all federal regulations or guidelines as outlined in the Department of Health and Human Services Health and Safety Manual.


The following policy elements are applicable to all agency operations and activities. These elements are directed toward the prevention of all types of accidents and health hazards present in the performance of official duties.

A. Prevention
The Health and Safety Program will emphasize strategies that preclude or prevent any occurrence that would have an adverse effect on its managers, supervisors, employees, contractors, visitors, people in the neighboring community, or collaborating organizations that receive materials from CDC/ATSDR or their contractors.
B. Surveillance
The Health and Safety Program will provide for: the systematic inspection of facilities; collection, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of safety and health data essential to the planning and implementation of the Health and Safety Program; and the dissemination of these data on a timely basis.
C. Protection and Control
A system for the control of hazards will be maintained and will include: engineering controls; use of alternatives that are less hazardous; use of personal protective equipment; and administrative procedures.
D. Emergency Preparedness and Response
The Health and Safety Program will seek to identify circumstances which require advance preparation and immediate action, develop and maintain contingency plans and procedures to address these circumstances, and provide and communicate (to those potentially affected and to those who must respond) plans of action for responding to fire, medical, first aid, radiation, chemical, violence, biohazard, adverse weather, and other incidents that may require advance preparation and timely response.
E. Education, Promotion, and Training
Health and safety awareness will be promoted among managers, supervisors, employees and others (visitors, contractors, community members) through orientation programs and regularly scheduled education and training sessions, as appropriate.
F. Notification and Communication
Employees and others (visitors, contractors) will be notified of their exposure or potential exposure to hazardous substances or conditions, and will be informed of risks that result or may result from exposure to hazardous substances or conditions.
G. Confidentiality
The Health and Safety Program will make every effort to ensure the confidentiality of employee health and exposure records.
H. Program Evaluation
The Health and Safety Program will establish an effective monitoring system to provide data useful in routinely evaluating the operation of the program in terms of scope, appropriateness, and effectiveness, including an annual evaluation of the overall program to determine if it has met or made progress toward its goals and objectives, if its policies and procedures are relevant and appropriate, and if its policies, regulations, procedures, and facilities continue to meet or exceed HHS standards.


A. Incident: An unintended or unplanned occurrence which results in:

B. Agency: Herein means an organizational component within the Department of Health and Human Services, i.e. the Centers for Disease Control and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

C. Policy: A broad statement, attitude or position defining a specific plan of action.

D. Procedure: A system or series of steps defining the implementation of a policy or rule.

E. Rule: A more narrow statement that supports a policy statement, or defines a definite course of action.


2-00-51 Director, CDC

The Director, CDC is responsible for establishing the policy and philosophy of the Health and Safety Program.

2-00-52 Director, Office of Health and Safety

The Director, Office of Health and Safety, is responsible for:

2-00-53 Center/Institute/Office (CIO) Directors

Directors of CIO's, are responsible for directing programs that, meet or exceed, the legal requirements for health and safety. These officials are responsible for ensuring that the following elements are fully implemented within their areas of authority:

2-00-54 Supervisors:

Supervisors at all levels throughout the agency are responsible for maintaining a safe and healthful workplace by:

2-00-55 Employees

Employees at all levels throughout the agency are responsible for:

02-00-60 Safety Committees

2-00-61 Health and Safety Advisory Board

A. Purpose

To review policy and provide recommendations and advice to the Director, CDC, and Administrator, ATSDR, on health and safety policy and to provide institutional oversight of a comprehensive health and safety program for CDC/ATSDR.

B. Specific Functions

C. Membership

The CDC/ATSDR Health and Safety Advisory Board consists of:

D. Chairman and Executive Secretary

The Chairman and Vice-chairman will be elected from the membership for 1-year terms. The vice-chair will assume the responsibilities of the chair the next year. The Director, OHS, will serve as Executive Secretary (ex officio).

E. Meetings and General Operations

Meetings, scheduled by the Executive Secretary, will be held at least once per quarter. Agenda items may be submitted to the Executive Secretary by any member. Agenda items will be distributed by the Executive Secretary to members at least 1 week before the next scheduled meeting. Minutes will be distributed to members and alternates. Board recommendations will be forwarded to the Director, CDC, for appropriate action.

2-00-62 Occupational Health and Safety Committee

A. Purpose

To provide recommendations and advice to the Director, Office of Health and Safety, on CDC and ATSDR occupational and environmental health and safety conditions and practices, and to provide a forum for information exchange.

B. Specific Functions

C. Membership

The Occupational Health and Safety Committee consists of:

*It is envisioned that the C/I/O representative would be from the Division or sub-Division level. The C/I/O representative to the Advisory Board should be the C/I/O Director or his/her designee from the C/I/O Office of the Director level.

D. Chairman and Executive Secretary

The Chairman and Vice-chairman will be elected from the membership for 1-year terms. The vice-chair will assume the responsibilities of the chair the next year.

The Deputy Director, Office of Health and Safety, serves as Executive Secretary.

E. Meetings and General Operations

Meetings, scheduled by the Executive Secretary, will be held at least once per quarter. Agenda items may be submitted to the Executive Secretary by any member and will be distributed to members at least 1 week before the next scheduled meeting. Issues to be brought before the committee for discussion must be broad in scope or be those referred by the respective C/I/O Health and Safety Committee that have not been or cannot be resolved at the C/I/O level. Committee recommendations will be forwarded to the Director, Office of Health and Safety, who may in turn refer them to the Health and Safety Advisory Board for clarification of policy issues or to the Director, CDC for appropriate action. Minutes will be distributed to members and alternates.

2-00-63 Center/Institute/Office Health and Safety Committees/Safety Liaison

A. Purpose

To provide recommendations and advice to the Director, C/I/O, on C/I/O occupational and environmental health and safety matters.

B. Specific Functions

C. Membership

A management and nonmanagement member (or supervisor and non-supervisor) from each Division, where applicable. Where employees in a bargaining unit are in the division, the appropriate union will be given the opportunity to send one or more representatives to each meeting.

D. Chairman and General Operations

The Chairman, Vice-chairman, and Executive Secretary will be elected from the membership for 1-year terms. The vice-chair will assume the responsibilities of the chair the next year. The Chairman serves as the representative to the CDC/ATSDR Occupational Health and Safety Committee provided he/she does not represent the C/I/O on the Health and Safety Advisory Board. Agenda items may be submitted to the Executive Secretary by any member and will be distributed to members at least 1 week before the next scheduled meeting. Issues to be brought before the committee for discussion must be broad in scope or be those referred by the respective lower level committee (i.e. division, branch) or appropriate management official that have not been or cannot be resolved by the management at that level. Minutes will be distributed to members. Committee recommendations will be forwarded to C/I/O management officials or to the Occupational Health and Safety Committee, as appropriate.

2-00-64 Additional Committees within the C/I/O

It is recommended that C/I/Os with other than office staff also organize safety committees at the branch, laboratory, activity, or facility levels, where appropriate. Bargaining unit representation should be included.

Health and Safety Manual Contents

Office of Health and Safety, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
1600 Clifton Road N.E., Mail Stop F05 Atlanta, Georgia 30333, USA
Last Modified: 1/2/97
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